Energy alternative healing is hyper-focused at the root cause of physical, mental and emotional maladies and is a superb partner to traditional western and alternative modalities of medicine. Excessive disturbances in our energetic forms will eventually lead to physical damage, but even the best medical surgeons and doctors in the world are treating the physical body only and not the whole vital system of life. VivaBird Project supports a holistic approach to life and health, which includes healthy foods, physical movement of your body and traditional medical coaching and assistance. You should never make any changes to any medical treatments except under the care of your physician.
Consistency and commitment are the key to sustained healing and soul evolution. This package is designed to work most efficiently with your energy bodies for maximum effectiveness. Of course, it took a very long time for your body to succumb to pain and suffering. A great gift of the Universe is that you can rapidly heal what took eons to create, as long as you set the intention and are committed to the work.
What’s included:
1. One-on-one meditative session, with channeled message
This is a web-based session, but do not fret that it means it’s not as good as sitting in the room with me! The energy bodies are not bound by our time and space and so nothing is lost. Expect around 40 minutes, but the session will conclude when Spirit has guided Chanel out of a meditative/trance state. At this time, you will be muted so as not to accidentally pull Chanel out of trance.
Chanel loves working with the Angels and finds that even just the message and energy she channels in giving a message is itself immensely healing. These messages will come at any point in the healing session, but generally a session will begin with a message, as we have learned that the patient enjoys slipping into relaxation on the ends of the message and love brought forth from the Angels.
2. Additional sessions, non-participatory for patient
Energy healing is just as powerful from a world away and so, on your behalf, Chanel will channel your healers and any other necessary energies presented at five and ten day intervals. To do so any sooner would likely make the patient ill as the energies are working to release and realign. To do so any further apart would weaken the momentum and commitment of the intention of the patient. You are a partner in this healing and your thoughts and feelings are powerful. You will receive a text 30 minutes prior, but there is no requirement to meditate or otherwise interrupt your daily activity. Your energy bodies are receptive as are all your Spirit team and healers.
3. Check in sessions
Two days after your first and third sessions, Chanel will call to check in with you. This is a good time to share any new observations, emotions, thoughts, realizations, etc. Every healing journey is unique and Chanel has either lived it or been witness to it. Nothing is too weird, taboo, big or insignificant to share!
We’ve known for a long time that everything is energy down to the densest wooden table. Your body is energy plain and simply. Science and spiritualty agree that our mental and emotional state directly influence our body and whether it is happy and healthy or sad and unwell. This Energy alternative healing package is designed to address an array of maladies at the energetic level.
Through trance channel, you will sit privately with Spirit to receive guidance and counseling. Chanel works with a Spirit team from higher mental realms, which simply means that the Spirit you will speak with is existing in an environment of truth, love, joy &peace. Therefore, the guidance you will receive will reflect these higher vibrational energies for your greatest good.
During this time Spirit is working with you, not just on physical planes, but on astral & mental planes, too. This means that you may find yourself having a conversation on topics that you were not consciously prepared to address, but your Higher Self is always driving for your growth and healing. You are encouraged to bring a few questions, and to continue to ask questions throughout your counseling session.
Please note that Chanel does not generally work with passed loved ones. If this is what you currently seek, she has many excellent references you are welcome to request anytime. This session is meant to act as a time for your healing, growth & evolution. In addition to Q&A with Spirit, you will receive energy healing to enhance and clear blockages for that which your higher self seeks.
Angels have moved the hearts of Humanity for eons. Their existence seems to be one of the few things every denomination and culture can seem to agree on. They hold a special purpose in our lives- to guide us and comfort us in love, to help us evolve, heal and grow in a gentle nurturing way.
It is published and passed down through the ages about all the big Archangels. We now know that Angels are without hierarchy and the Angel that works with you personally is just as powerful and loving as the Angels of our songs and books.
Through a light channel state, Chanel will connect with your guardian Angel to bring you a message and guidance to help you wherever you are at in life right now. You may also notice the physical sensations of the Angel’s healing during the session. Expect an overwhelming sense of peace and love during and after your reading.
Join us every week as we hold a space for you to connect with your own inner wisdom, Higher Self, guides, teachers, or loved ones in Spirit. Check out our upcoming events on our Gatherings page, where you can get the link to join.
We have learned from experience that we don’t have to be in the same room for the energy to multiply. When we all gather, regardless of time zone and town, our energies gather and exponentially build on each other. This raises the total vibration and makes it much easier to work in other planes of existence. This is a testament to the interconnectedness we all share, as well as reinforcing the Truth that Spirit does not adhere to time and space.
This are donation based events. Don't be stingy.
Our Spirit and Soul do not operate within time and space. This allows us to provide quality services to anyone regardless of time or location on Earth. Our services are offered virtually.
VivaBird Project
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